Thursday 24 January 2008

The MMC Wine Summit 8th & 9th August 2008

24.1.08 The MMC wine summit is set to go ahead. A weekend of great wine and fabulous food. The weekend will include a wine tasting at 'Monopolio Restaurast' and a tutored tasting by Greek wine makers.

Wednesday 23 January 2008

Guyot Trellis System has been chosen

23.1.08 This trellis system is often used for Cabernet Sauvignon planted in unfertile soils, and is widespread in Bordeaux. It allows the vine to minimize energy to the canopy and maximize energy to the grapes. Guyot trellises are relatively easy to maintain and can be adapted to local conditions.

Tuesday 22 January 2008

2008 Progress

22.1.08 Two days on the island. So much to do! The whole vineyard has been rotivated again and some rather large rocks removed. Better out than in. I also got time to turn over the soil under the olive trees, and prune the palms in the walled garden. Christopher Columbus enjoyed the new soil..... Thoroughly looking forward to planting in the very near future.